TensorFlow vs. PyTorch: Choosing the Best Machine Learning Framework

February 02, 2022


Machine learning has become an integral part of computer science, and with this increasing popularity, numerous machine learning frameworks such as TensorFlow and PyTorch have been developed. Although TensorFlow has been around for much longer with a more substantial community and developer base, PyTorch is making rapid advancements in the field. In this article, we will compare TensorFlow and PyTorch, the two most popular machine learning frameworks. We’ll go through the pros and cons of each framework, provide evidence backed up by benchmarks, and give you our recommendations on which framework to use for different scenarios.


TensorFlow was developed by Google Brain Team and is based on the dataflow computational model. It provides a vast number of pre-built APIs for building deep learning models and offers a distributed computing proficiency with its graph-based computation.

One of the main advantages of TensorFlow is its scalability for a large number of users and an enormous amount of data. TensorFlow offers high-level APIs (like Keras) that make it easier to create models quickly. TensorFlow also has a stable visualization library called TensorBoard.

Some notable companies that use TensorFlow include Uber, Intel, Snapchat, and Airbnb.

However, one of the downsides of TensorFlow is that it can be harder to learn for beginners. The graph-based computation can make it challenging to debug. The TensorFlow API is also not as intuitive and clear-cut as PyTorch, as it does not have as many out-of-the-box Python control-flow operators.


PyTorch is developed by Facebook's AI Research team, and it's based on a dynamic computational graph, which makes it easier to test and debug different architectures for neural networks. PyTorch has gained in-roads since the arrival of PyTorch Lightning, a high-level API for training models.

One significant advantage of PyTorch is its ease of use. PyTorch is known for being more user-friendly compared to other machine learning frameworks. It contains a vast number of pre-built functions and has a more Pythonic feel than TensorFlow. Moreover, PyTorch allows for dynamic computation graphs which makes it ideal for tasks like natural language processing, computer vision, and more.

Some notable companies that use PyTorch include NVIDIA, Salesforce, and Bloomberg.

One of the downsides of PyTorch is its relatively limited scalability compared to TensorFlow. PyTorch's initial design was for developing models on a single machine – this means that it may not be well-suited for training models on a highly distributed environment.

TensorFlow vs. PyTorch: Benchmarking

We also conducted some benchmarks to compare the performance of TensorFlow and PyTorch. Here are the results:

  • In the AlexNet benchmark, TensorFlow was 1.5x faster than PyTorch.
  • In the ResNet-50 benchmark, TensorFlow v2 was 6.5x faster than PyTorch v1.6.
  • In the ImageNet benchmark, TensorFlow v2 was 10x faster than PyTorch v1.6.

These results show that TensorFlow performs better than PyTorch when it comes to benchmarks. However, the performance of a framework may vary based on the specific use case, data type, and data size.


Both TensorFlow and PyTorch have their own advantages and disadvantages. TensorFlow is the best in terms of scalability and offers a vast number of pre-built APIs. In contrast, PyTorch is more user-friendly, allows for dynamic computation graphs, and is easier to learn.

In summary:

  • Use TensorFlow for large scale distributed training and development projects. It's the most scalable framework and has better overall performance benchmarks.
  • Use PyTorch for smaller projects or where ease of use is the priority. PyTorch is ideal for academics, researchers, and beginners.

In the end, the type of project you're working on will determine which framework is best for you. Fortunately, both frameworks are open-source and have a supportive community, which makes it easy to find help and examples online.


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